Deal With Lactose Intolerance Effectively While Not Compromising on Adequate Calcium and Nutrient Intake!

Nutrition August 25, 2021 • 5 mins read

Lactose intolerance is real!

Many women struggle with lactose digestion (a type of sugar found in milk) and give up on dairy products while compromising their calcium intake. We all are aware of the importance of calcium intake at all stages of life to keep our bones more robust and overall health conducive to modern lifestyles. Calcium is abundantly found in dairy products. However, for women with lactose intolerance, adequate calcium consumption becomes a challenge. Calcium deficiency gives way to disorders such as low bone density, osteoporosis, and vertebral fatigue, and compression fracture issues. Are you one of those struggling with lactose intolerance and wary of these health issues?

You do not have to worry! Here is how you can keep your calcium intake intact and keep lactose intolerance a bay.

Lactose-free Breakfast is a Good Way to Start

Bread and fresh orange juice contain added calcium. Calcium-fortified cereals provide good amount of calcium in about one ounce of helping. This almost covers your calcium intake for the entire day. Eating a fresh orange along with breakfast cereal also gives you an adequate amount of calcium.

Hard Cheese Doesn’t Pose Threats

You do not really have to give up on dairy altogether. If you love cheese, go for the hard types. Parmesan and Swiss cheese are full of calcium and have minimal lactose. Cottage cheese, abundantly available in India, is also a good source of calcium with lower lactose content.

Leafy Greens are Your Best Bet

Leafy vegetables such as cabbage, kale, bok choy, iceberg and lettuce are some highly recommended sources of calcium. They are entirely lactose-free. You can consume about 360mg of calcium through a cup of cooked and garnished collard greens. You also get fibre, vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium, potassium and phytochemicals simply by eating green leafy veggies.

Go Nutty and Snack on Calcium

Whenever snacking, choose nuts! Almonds, roasted peanuts, and Brazil nuts boost your calcium intake and provide the desired strength to your bones. One cup of roasted almonds brings up to 114mg of calcium, and about 9 Brazil nuts give you upto 72mg of calcium. But remember, go easy on nuts, spread them evenly over days and weeks and eat moderately. Guess what? Nuts also give you healthy fats, fibre, omega fatty acids and protein.

Softer Dry Fruits are Yummy and Calcium Rich

If you are the one who loves the other end of dried fruits such as figs, apricots, raisins, blackberries, currants, and dried oranges – you have an added advantage. Eat a handful while snacking and stay away from dairy snacking to avoid any lactose problems. They also come packed with fibre, copper and magnesium.

Tofu and Soy are Excellent Alternatives

Soybean or edamame is your best friend if you cannot consume dairy products. Soy milk, soy chunks, soy yoghurt, tofu, roasted soybeans for snacking – the choices are endless. Just look for calcium-fortified or calcium-set food items when buying groceries. A cup full of soy can give you up to 49mg of calcium. Soy is also an enriched food for proteins.

Supplement for the Best Results

Over the counter calcium supplements like Revital H Woman also help to suffice the calcium and many other nutrients for the day. If you keep eating the required diet while avoiding dairy products, one dose of supplement helps you bridge your nutrition gap with 250 mg calcium per day.

Do not get flustered if you cannot eat dairy. Your calcium and other nutrients are not going anywhere if you make the right food choices. Happy eating!

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